Tuesday, September 15, 2009

51st Day

Well, well, well. I'm not actually writing this post on this date. I wrote it on (24th September 09, 12.15 am) which is 9 days later. A bit lazy after a week holiday but who could blame me, it's been ages since i wake up late and sleep late every single day for 7 days. Hahaha. So, what actually i have done that day? Spent the whole day in RRR (Rasa Ria Resort) with Jack, Larry and Edward fixing the network point on one of the guest room which reported not giving any connection. But seriously, it's one of the consuming energy day in any of my day out during this practical especially the part where both me and Edward try to trace back the network point to it's switch. Not only the IT manager itself told us the wrong place, we ended up searching on each floor on the 5th block (dunno why all 5 star resort love to separated and named the building like wings or whatsoever) where actually it's on the ground floor on the sixth block. Man, that part really is sucks. Then we try to patch back the cable on the patch panel but the problem still the same. We do it almost few times and using Walkie-talkie to talk (we separated to two groups which on the slave side which was Jack and Larry and the master side which was me and Edward. We test the connection using a network tools which i forgot the name but it's really a cool device). Then, finally Edward decided to change the brown and the orange cable position and change the modular on the face plate. Wala. It's done. What a relieving time is it for us. Take note that we didn't eat that day until 4 pm in the evening as it really take us some time to figure out to solve it. And as usual, since all of us are damn hungry though it looks me and Jack are the one because we buy a lot of food in the Bazaar at Sepangar that evening. Hehehe. So, that's how that day was spent.

P/S : Ooops, looks like i forgot about someone. I'm not very sure what Kristy do that day since i don't even remember whether she went out or not. ^o^

Monday, September 14, 2009

50th Day

Damn. My whole body especially my right hand and butt are not feeling very good because of the yesterday activity. Gosh, i really need some exercise sometimes. Well, back to the main point. What happen today? Not much i would say. Morning session is just another facebooing, chatting and downloading for both me and Jack (again Kristy follow Kenny to DBKK). Then, in the evening. Edward finally decided to bring both me and Jack follow him. Though not much works to do but at least it can heal our office boredness. But one thing I like when we follow Edward, we always went to Bazaar to buy food. Yeah, fasting session is almost finish and Hari Raya is finally coming. It's all happiness but sadly for me, it's no more Bazaar in the evening. I really gonna miss that. T.T Yeah, tomorrow is the last day works for this weeks before we will take a one week holiday. At last, i can rest as much as i can and watch as much anime and movie as possible. ^o^

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's all about bowling.

The caption for this post implies of what have i done today. I spent quite an amount of money just for play bowling today. 6 games straight for exact. Four games with Jack and another two games with my friends. But gosh, i really pay the price for that entertainment which make my finger a bit in pain. I play bowling with Jack in the morning and it's really fun as our games increases from one which is the original plan to four after we been addicted to it. The winner? I lost all four games to Jack. Damn he's good. Then, after having our lunch together. We split and i meet with my friends to watch movie, "Gamer". Then, before i went home. I bring my friends to play bowling again with me. Hahahaha. The weird thing is my score is much more better the last two games i play compare to the first four games with Jack which is 142 (My personal best) and 104. Yeah. Play bowling is so much fun and it's a great way to spend your weekends. ^o^