Friday, July 24, 2009

15th Day

Hello everyone. We meet again on the 15th days report. First of all, Happy Sabbath to all my SDA’s friend out there. Well, not much happen today as compare to the previous two days. Kristy still the first one to came and followed by me around 7.40 am and Jack later. Today, at last both me and Jack can stay in the office and try to help Kristy to complete the task given by David. Though there’s not much progress in the morning but at least we still try our best. Oh, I forgot. Kristy actually the one who went out today follow Cornelius and Simon to do the fiber cable at STAR (I forgot the word S stands for what, but the TAR stands for Tanjung Aru Resort) As usual, straight after lunch. Both me and Jack play CS to kill some time during the lunch hour which is until 1.30 pm. Hahaha. Today we play at different map which is assault and I perform very well today (baru ko tau Kok, ko tembirang lagi sama la..kakaka). Later that evening, Kok bring me to Magellan at Sutera Harbour Resort to fix the cable in the face plate. Seems the cable is not giving any connection at all. After few changes and fix in the patch panel in the server room, at last the problem solves. Then we headed back to the company around 4 pm and from there I try to solve again the task. Can’t say much for now, but seems that we almost complete the task as we succeed to run the query simultaneously. We will try to edit and try error for it again this Monday. We then went back around 5.37 pm and thinking what should we do for these weekends.
P/S: Hais c Kok. Memang jajal ba ne orang tua. Antara suma orang yang sa join, dia lah yang paling siok mau ikut. Ketawa ja ikut dia ne. Tekan hon bila nampak perempuan d siring jalan raya. P office sana Sutera Harbour pun cakap pasal perempuan di sana. Bole2 lagi dia bawa sa escape p makan sekijap lepas p repair tadi. Paling kurang asam, dia panggil sa Gobuk. Nick name yang sa guna ja pn time main CS tu. Dia x puas hati ba tu balik2 kena tembak oleh sa. Hahaha.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

14th Day

Sigh- what a day. For two straight days, I went out until late evening. Seems this weeks, I went out a lot than usual. But by far, today’s activity is more to sightseeing. Honestly speaking, I only follow the staff to the customer site either to send stuff or invoice.
Hello again everyone. We meet again on the 14th days report. Again for second straight day, Kristy is the first one to come. On the other hand, I come around 7.35 am and Jack came few minutes later. After couple of minutes surfing and try to complete the task given by David. Both me and Jack were bring out again. Jack follows Lim to DBKK to check the cable that we do yesterday because it seems the cable got problem. Myself follow Benny to send invoice and some other few stuff. Kind of bored actually because the only purposes of Ben bringing me is to take care of the van when he went to customer site for a while. The only interesting part is when we went the house one of the customer (from what Ben told me, this old guy is a retired lawyer and once was a big boss in somewhere which I forgot the place name). His computer seems got problem with few of the software inside. Note that these desktops were just performed the recover utility yesterday. Seems that the OS cannot boot and that is why the recover utility was used. But still, today the OS again were going nuts. Imagine this, this desktop is virus and hardware problem free. There’s no bad sector in the hard disk and even come with UPS. BUT, the word can’t be save, search utility gone, windows media player crash and the HP scan software are not working. And the old guy keeps asking both of us on why this happen. How actually we gonna explain to him in a way that keeps him satisfied? At last, we simply just say that the system is corrupted and need a fresh OS installation. In concept, we can actually say like this -> Imagine a car. Though you take good care of it and even make overhaul on it every 5K km the car been use. Sometimes the car still can have problem and that is how the system works. It will if not now or later.
Than we headed back to Srikom at noon after take back Jack and Lim in DBKK. Today’s kill for CS is improved. Hahaha. But still not good enough.
Later that evening, Jack and myself were again bring out. This time Jack follows Ben and I follow Edward@Tom. Not so sure where Jack headed with Ben but me and Edward went to Rasa Ria and Karambunai Resort. No interesting things happen but full with interesting talks with Edward. Seems that the staff bring us out not particularly because short on staff but actually been asked by Mr.Chris. BUT there’s one thing really worried me, Edward says to me that one of the reason why usually only me and Jack were bring out because many of the task involved are not that suitable for Kristy to do. SO, for non-technical part like configure will usually be given to Kristy. It’s not a question about jealousy or something but it will affect me and Jack in terms of knowledge and skill learned. I hope that next time the three of us will have a chance to learn the network based skill.
P/S: Again I went back late today which is 5.45 pm and also the three of us were separated again today.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

13th Day

Hello again. We meet again on the 13th day report. Honestly speaking, it’s kind of lazy lately for me to post a blog since I felt tired every time I reach home from work. Sometimes, I don’t even have any idea how to post it as such that I have to think what to write. But I cross my finger to my heart, hissing to my inner self and say “keep it up Bruce, this blog will help you for your log book later”.
Well, enough for the prologue (just felt to start writing my blog in different way as it seems my previous blog is just like a template blog. Haha). Today, surprisingly Kristy is the first one came between the three of us though I came only few minutes late than her which is around 7.50 am and follow by Jack later. Today, as planned on last Monday. Lim bring me and Jack back to DBKK to install a patch panel. We went there by the time the eclipse happen which is around 9 am (though it seems we missed it but from the local news report on television, only certain place can actually see the full eclipse and Malaysia are not one of it. But still, I’ve managed to watch it for a while using a film negative. Surprisingly, this eclipse is reported to be the longest eclipse for this millennium). After went to take the patch panel from other place in the building, we headed straight to the 3rd level to install it. Lim want to put another patch panel inside the small built like server rack and need our help since it takes time to complete it alone. Kind of hard to explain the step to attach the cable to the patch panel but one thing for sure, it’s pain in the ass for your hand. Believe me, I know. To make things harder, we use the cat 6 UTP cable which is again a pain in the ass to cut it using a non-sharp playar (sorry for the wrong spelling because I didn’t know how to spell it in English). Compare to our last task in DBKK, we can’t finish it in one way. Around 12 noon, we headed back to the company to have our lunch and at the same time take some more things. OH YEAH, remember the task given by David? Seems that Kristy found a way to complete the second part though it’s not complete yet. As usual, Kristy is one step ahead of us, gosh that girl is really something. I really felt intimidated with her. Again, I loss badly on today’s CS game. =,=” Later that evening, we went back there with Kristy and Johnathan joining us this time (felt very sorry to Johnathan because I accidentally bump the van back door to his shoulder when I want to close it after taking all the stuff outside). BUT, this time the three of us are separated for the FIRST time. Jack follow Edward go somewhere, Kristy follow Kevin and I follow Lim to complete the task. There’s nothing much to say in this moment since I just redo all the things Lim taught me this morning. Gosh, it’s really not an easy task to install the patch panel and arrange the cable inside the rack (Don’t get me wrong. If I convert my contribution on percentage, I think I only do around 30-40% of it. The rest is done by Lim particularly the cable arrangement). While my hand busy cutting the cable and attach it to the patch panel, Kristy on the other hand learns on how to configure VLAN using the HP ProCurve Switch and some other things. I will say I’m lied if I don’t felt slightly envious the thing she do because that’s the real deal for our field. I’m not saying that the thing I do in DBKK is useless, in fact it’s a plus. But I still have many weeks waiting for me; I will take it slowly from here. Wondering what kind of activity I will do tomorrow, will it be plain and bored day or again another more surprise waiting? I just have to se and wait for tomorrow.
P/S: I went back on 6.34 PM today. Paling lambat la pulang ne. Hahaha.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

12th Day

Hello everyone. We meet again on the 12th day report. As usual, it’s another day fill either with surprise or total plain day. I reach office around 7.50 am and by my surprise, Jack is the first one came today. Then Kristy is the last one came. We then start our typical day with usual morning activity which is faceboo ing and chat. Then, around 9 or 10 am, Cornelius asked for our help to tag the cable. It’s actually not a bad idea to kill some time since we got nothing else to do. Well, not actually nothing at all. Still remember the task given by David? We still can’t figure out a way to solve the second part. It’s already been a week the task is unsolved and we just cannot find any reference in Google. Later that evening, again David asked us about the task. It seems that he really needs that program to test the system. It just made us more desperate to solve it as soon as possible. Well, to make our task more challenging as it is, we have new task waiting for us. It’s about back up. Not the normals backup your guys thinking about, it’s different. Can’t say much for now since I don’t get it 100% when David explains it to us, we just have to wait and see. Around 5.34 pm, all of us heading back to our home. That’s all for today’s report. See you guys back tomorrow.
P/S : I take back my word yesterday about CS. It seems that the staffs really play CS during lunch. And to my surprise, some of them are actually VERY good. I’m just so rusty with this game. Only managed to kill one and died more than 15 times. Hahaha.

Monday, July 20, 2009

11th Day

Hello everyone. We meet again on the 11th day report. Today I’m a bit tired than usual as its more physical day for me or perhaps us I should say. Ain’t it Jack?
So, sa malas ckit mau post blog ne hari dalam English. Mari kita try post dalam bahasa Malaysia. Sa datang awal ne hari, smp sana lebih kurang jam 7.35 ka. Sa first ba, ko ingat. Hahaha. Uda masuk minggu ke-3, belum pena lagi sa naik bas awal2 pagi p keja. Bukan malas ba, cuma beg pack yg sa guna gumuk kan. D tmpt sa, bas mini yg banyak time pagi..susah mau masuk tu bas dgn tu beg. So, terpaksa la bos atau adik saya yg hantar. Sa ada cerita pendek ne pagi, kamurang ambil la ne nombor kalau kamurang mau main 4D. Time adik sa hantar td pg, yg jalan masuk p srikom tu ba dari dongonggon,putatan serta suma yg seangkatan dgnnya la. Ada keta rosak tayar dia, terus block 2 jalan. Itu ja cerita dia. Ahaha. Lupa cakap, no plat itu kereta 8022. Manatau tiba2 kuar d 4D minggu depan ka. Ndak lama selepas itu, sampai la sa depan Srikom. Lepas terpaksa mau buat signal2 sama 2 pmrpn cina, ndak tau sepa tu..baru dia buka tu pntu depan. Mcm budu ja sa rasa tu time. Kasi pendek cerita, c Kristy sama Jack pn datang. Aktiviti ne hari bukan cakap best lah cuma sa rasa masa mmg cepat limpas la. Ntah berapa lama ja kami duduk sana tu, tiba2 c Nick suru kami join tu staff lain p DBKK buat PM. Pa tu kamurang rasa? Kamurang teka la sendiri nnt aa. Ne kali, kami tiga2 kena bawa. Tapi bila sampai sana, kami dua yg p DBKK. C Kristy stay dalam kereta join c Edward dgn Ong (btl ka lupa uda nama dia). X tau la pa tu budak perempuan buat tapi mcm dia enjoy la nampak. Mulai la aktiviti sa sama c Jack dgn c Lim. Mula2, kami p sana IT Department p ambil tu buku maintenance. Rupa2 nya, kami kena buat maintenance dgn printer d dalam DBKK. Pena kamurang dgr dot matrik printer? Paling senang la mau kasi faham kamurang, kamurang tau kertas yg ada lubang2 d kiri sama kanan kertas tu? X juga faham? Mcm kertas slip spm kamurang tu ba yg kamurang kasi hilang sebab frust. Hahaha. Itu la guna tu printer. Ada 15 printer kami buat maintenance td. Sa trus trang cakap sa x malu buat 2 keja la cuma lain la sa rasa buat itu keja pakai formal. Hahaha. Dorang mgkn tgk kami lain2 tu masa. Mgkn ada lagi yg cakap mcm ne dalam hati “tembirang juga ne technician, repair printer ja pn mau pakai smart2..” Kiranya tadi, c Jack la tukang lap2 suma tu printer, sa la yg tukang vacuum suma tu printer. Tapi ada juga orang yg perasan kami ne Trainee. Yg aunty2 la sa rasa. Yg muda2 mgkn fikir kami ne minta puji ja. Tapi at least suma staff sana senyum jga la dgn kami time kami buat tu keja sana, rambut saya yg baru kena putung ba tu yg bikin dorang rasa senang hati tu. Hahaha. Lebih kurang jam 9 ka 10 kami start, jam 1.30 la kami habis suma tu keja. C Lim bawa la kami p makan sana food court d KK Plaza. Time kami makan2 tu la kami kenal banyak nama staff d Srikom. Hbs ja kami makan, kami p balik DBKK tunggu dorang c Edward ambil kami balik. Lebih kurang jam 3 la dorang datang ambil kami. Mengantuk uda sa tu time. C Edward bawa lagi jalan2 p tmpt customer hantar tu buku manual Autocad. Cni teda uda pa2 cerita yg siok la. Tertidur juga kami dua dalam kereta. Penat kan, pa mau buat. Kasi pendek cerita, smp ja d Srikom, main facebook sekejap..oh ya, c Ong (serius sa lupa, “Ok” ka nama dia..) kasi tunjuk sa share file dalam Srikom, dia suru sa install CS dlm laptop sa. Hahaha. Ndak tau la terer ka x dorang ne. Ndak lama pas tu, pulang la kami. 5.36 tu kalo x silap sa. Harap2 jadi la kami kena bawa balik p DBKK buat patch panel ne. Bnyk juga technical skill yg kami x belajar time d UTeM bole belajar d cni.
P/S : Sorry for the ‘very’ informal way for today’s post. Malas mau karang2 ba, sa main hentam ja tulis ne.